Stay Anonymous With The Privacy Visor

future, futuristic, Privacy Visor, tech news, facial recognition technology, future device, smart gadgets, Seiichi Gohshi, Isao Echizen
Two researchers from the Tokyo’s National Institute of Informatics and the Kogakuin University in Japan have designed an innovative technology for people who don’t want to be identified by security cameras. The gadget is called the ‘Privacy Visor’ and is actually a pair of glasses that use infrared light to block facial recognition software without affecting the wearer’s vision. The results of the experiment with OpenCV face-detection software show, that regardless of the distance, the detection rate of ten volunteers was zero. A person, wearing the goggles, will be seen by the people in the street, but not by security cameras.,
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Facial Recognition
Visual Recognition
future, futuristic, Privacy Visor, tech news, facial recognition technology, future device, smart gadgets, Seiichi Gohshi, Isao Echizen

future, futuristic, Privacy Visor, tech news, facial recognition technology, future device, smart gadgets, Seiichi Gohshi, Isao Echizen

future, futuristic, Privacy Visor, tech news, facial recognition technology, future device, smart gadgets, Seiichi Gohshi, Isao Echizen

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