Rescuing SeAngel By Fedor Porshnev

seangel helium rescuing system, fedor porshnev, futuristic technologies, SeAngel
Fedor Porshnev has managed to work out a remarkable solution of the ship wrecks problem, SeAngel Helium Rescuing System. The concept aims at rescuing the crew of a sinking ship and protecting its passenger in tough weather conditions against rain, wind and lighting. The capsule is activated by pressing a button on the cap, when the cap rises, a built-in lamp illuminates the seats in the capsule, the system fills the dome with helium. On-board GPS beacon switches on automatically for signal transmission and retrieval of the capsule while balloons are dropped down.
seangel helium rescuing system, fedor porshnev, futuristic technologies, SeAngel

seangel helium rescuing system, fedor porshnev, futuristic technologies, SeAngel

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