Dodecaudion Creates Music With The Help Of Your Movements

The Polish art and design group panGenerator has presented the Dodecaudion, a simple gestural, spatial musical interface hanging from the ceiling. All you have to do is to place a hand, foot, head or other part of the body in front of any of its 12 IR-sensor-packing faces and wirelessly-linked processing hardware will produce pre-programmed audio or visuals.The sensors are connected to a custom-made Arduino shield, which collects the incoming data and sends it as float variables via the unit’s built-in Bluetooth modem to an external device for processing. With the help of a bridge program running on a Mac, PC or Linux system the incoming sensor data is translated into open sound control (OSC) messages, which can be interpreted by various audio applications like MAX/MSP, Ableton Live ( via Max for Live ), Reaktor 5 etc. and transformed into a sound. The functions of particular faces as well as the Dodecaudion’s sound depend only on the audio app’s configuration, so the device is very flexible. The current version you can buy was co-produced with Hedoco, though the original concept, design, and the initial electronics, have been developed by panGenerator. The concept designer Jakub Kozniewski claims that this project is still in the course of development to make it more affordable and easier to assemble as a DIY version. Designers are now planning to design a special stand for the gadget and besides the future versions will feature an integrated Li-pol battery with charger.
Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

Jakub Kozniewski, panGenerator, Dodecaudion, music controller, CAD designs, Hedoco, new gadgets, future devices, DIY

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