Visually Impaired Stand A Good Chance For Recovery

Sheila Nirenberg, Electronic device, modern technology, medical innovations, innovation technology
Dr. Sheila Nirenberg, a Neuroscientist, has developed an impressive technique that can use a camera and a processor to replace defective organic visual organs. Due to this invention millions of people, suffering from blindness or near-blindness, have got a chance to sharpen their vision. Most of the eye diseases are caused by damage to the retina, a light-sensitive part of the eye, which captures light. The concept is to bypass the damaged organic elements by using electronic parts like camera sensors. Extremely hard was to make the ganglion cells (responsible for turning light into an electric signal that is understood by the brain), forming a layer in the retina, work with the synthetic apparatus. Dr. Sheila Nirenberg has already managed to restore sight to mice that went from being completely blind to being able to visually track moving objects, and even recognize a baby face. Of course, it is difficult to say, how good the restored sight is, without testing on humans; however, if this electronic device works, it will ensure a considerable improvement for visually impaired.

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