Tactile Sensation: Breakthrough In The Entertainment Industry (+VIDEO)

future, virtual reality, tactile sensation, 3D, Takashi, Kawai’s lab, futurist technology, gaming technology, innovation in technology, futuristic
The discovery of tactile sensation by Professor Takashi Kawai’s lab at Waseda University‘s School of Fundamental Science and Engineering might be one of the most important discoveries in the gaming industry yet, cause sensibility is one of the most vital aspects of being human. It is reported that tactile sensation is based on a cross-model perception technology. The tactile sensation experience, such as a slight increase in heat, cold or wind for example, is achieved by the visual stimulation: by displaying a burning orb with the help of a pair of transparent virtual reality glasses, users feel a slight increase in warmth when they put they hands underneath it, simulating holding it. In future this technology might change the entertainment industry and we’ll experience entertainment, games and online content in a completely unusual way.
future, virtual reality, tactile sensation, 3D, Takashi, Kawai’s lab, futurist technology, gaming technology, innovation in technology, futuristic

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