LIFT Food Manager: Smart Shopping, Consumption & Stocking In Your Kitchen

Electrolux LIFT Food Manager, future device
The Electrolux LIFT Food Manager Concept is designed by Pedro Toda to perform three valuable domestic food management functions: first, of a barcode and label reader; second, serving as a scale; and third, being an intuitive smart device. Thus, Electrolux LIFT Food Manager Concept provides a user with the info on nutrition and expiry dates by simply scanning the product barcode and label (helping you choose let’s say the product with the most Vitamin C in it); it measures the weight of fish, dairy and other foods and helps him/her follow the shopping list, remembering what you’ve got in your kitchen and what’s running out of stock. Electrolux LIFT Food Manager Concept is definitely a precious device for the city dwelling busy bees.
Electrolux LIFT Food Manager, future device

Electrolux LIFT Food Manager, future device

Electrolux LIFT Food Manager, future device

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