Control Your Brain With Muse (+VIDEO)

futuristic technology, Muse, headband, wearable device, Toronto, tech company, InteraXon, future gadget, futuristic devices
Muse is a futuristic wearable device developed by Toronto-based tech company InteraXon that might help users take control of their mental state. This wireless headband is a lightweight portable EEG (electroencephalography) machine, which lets users monitor their neural activity in real time via their mobile devices. Being able to see their brain waves represented visually on their smartphone or tablet’s screen, users can easily train themselves to achieve and/or maintain a desired state of mind, e.g. relax, concentrate, instill confidence, etc. The InteraXon team claims Muse could be also used to control functions on smartphones, gaming consoles, computers, electric appliances or other electronic devices. The headband features four integrated sensors (2 on the forehead and 2 behind ears), which pick up electrical signals from the brain and transmit the data wirelessly to the user’s mobile device, where custom algorithms within a dedicated app process it into an onscreen display. At the moment InteraXon is raising funds for the first production run of the gadget.

futuristic technology, Muse,  headband, wearable device, Toronto, tech company, InteraXon, future gadget, futuristic devices

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