Building a Super Brain

The ‘Human Brain Project’ is a massive European initiative with the aim of building the worlds first and complete human brain on a supercomputer. Among the goals of this mega project are trying to reach the next generation in fields like medicine, robotics and supercomputing. Including trying to understand and help solve dreadful brain deceases like Parkinson, Alzheimer, Epilepsy’s and many others.

The project is mainly founded and funded through the support of the European Union ‘7th framework program’ with over 1 Billion Euro’s in initial investments for the projected 10 year program. The project is likely to advance beyond that when the first complete human brain simulations are going to give scientists huge new insights into many of the brain deceases and afflictions currently still unsolved.

The huge supercomputing developments are going to be accessible by other agencies in Europe as well. Like for advancing weather predictions, subatomic physics simulations and interstellar simulations for astronomers, among other fields. The neoromorphic technologies are expected to have a big impact on robotics as the technologies will allow robots to start processing data from their environments more in line with human brains and the brains of other higher animals.
Source: EuroSon99 &
Read more: Neuroscience News & Neuroscience Books
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