Artificial Intelligence And Robotics Modeled After Bee Brains

robotics, Green Brain, RoboBees, artificial intelligence systems, futuristic robots, AI, robots, University of Sheffield
The main distinctive features of bees, as a species, are high rationality and group cooperativeness. Thus, creating artificial intelligence and robotics modeled after bee brains may prove to be more efficient to get tasks done than imitating human brain behavior. Researchers from the Universities of Sheffield and Sussex are now studying honey bees and their brain to create its computer model for controlling tiny autonomous flying robots. Their projects are aimed to advance both artificial intelligence (AI) systems and perfect robotics. One of the projects, Green Brain, focuses attention on the systems that control bees’ vision and sense of smell. In the other project, RoboBees, researchers at Harvard University are building micro robots that mimic the group action and colony behavior in taking decisions. Scientists hope, that the autonomous robots could be used to trace odors or gases to their sources in the same way that honey bees can sniff out and visually detect flowers. In addition to developing brain mapping capacities, both projects might be applied in environmental monitoring, in pollination of crops (bee populations are falling worldwide), in search-and-rescue operations, in weather mapping, traffic monitoring, hazardous environment exploration and military surveillance.

robotics, Green Brain, RoboBees, artificial intelligence systems, futuristic robots, AI, robots, University of Sheffield

robotics, Green Brain, RoboBees, artificial intelligence systems, futuristic robots, AI, robots, University of Sheffield

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