TRUE SKIN by Stephan Zlotescu (Futuristic Short Film)

Bangkok in the FUTURE.
True Skin – A sci-fi short set in the not too distant future where augmentation is the way of life. For Kaye, still a natural, augmenting will help him keep pace in this now hyper-paced world. However, after acquiring an off-market prototype, Kaye quickly finds himself fighting not only for his own humanity, but something much larger.
Written & Directed by: Stephan Zlotescu
Director of Photography: H1
Original Music: Synthetic Heart by J-Punch
Producer: Christopher Sewall
Manager: Scott Glassgold / IAM Entertainment
An N1ON Production

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futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, cyber man, implant, cyborg, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, cyborg, cyber man

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futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

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Some Animated GIFs:

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futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, augmented reality, interactive, virtual reality, futuristic shop, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

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futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, augmented reality, interactive, virtual reality, futuristic shop

futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

futuristic, cyberpunk, future, true skin, stephan zlotescu, sci-fi, cyborg, implant, bangkok, N1ON, dystopia

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