Robots Will 3D-Print A Steel Bridge Over A Canal In Amsterdam

MX3D: “With our robots that can “draw” steel structures in 3D, we will print a bridge over water in the center of Amsterdam. We research and develop groundbreaking, cost-effective robotic technology with which we can 3D print beautiful, functional objects in almost any form. The ultimate test? Printing an intricate, ornate metal bridge for a special location to show what our robots and software, engineers, craftsmen and designers can do.”
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The Future of Robotics
Robotics Books
3D Printed Buildings
3D Printing
3D Printers for Sale
3D Bioprinting
4D Printing

Futuristic Technology, MX3D Bridge, Robots Will 3D-Print A Steel Bridge Over A Canal In Amsterdam

Futuristic Technology, MX3D Bridge, Robots Will 3D-Print A Steel Bridge Over A Canal In Amsterdam

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