Innovative & Independent Bike Rental System

YBR bike system, green energy, Eliel Cabrera
The YBR_bike system by Eliel Cabrera, designed for inner city cyclists, consists of solar-powered information and pay-per-rent stand and a number of racks. The info post will have bike system identification with a QR code (to receive data about maps, fees, rental conditions and what not), helpline numbers, rental company and bike system information etc. The hire machine will also include an NFC system to receive rent payments. The bike racks will be rust protected having a single-button mechanism pushed to attach a bike or and to release it.

YBR bike system, solar energy, Eliel Cabrera

YBR bike system, green energy, Eliel Cabrera

YBR bike system, green energy, Eliel Cabrera

YBR bike system, green energy, Eliel Cabrera

YBR bike system, green energy, Eliel Cabrera

YBR bike system, green energy, Eliel Cabrera

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