Extreme Aerodynamics Due To Unique Roof Surface

Hexa, concept car, Concept Design, Dimitri Bez, french designer, solar powered car, green vehicle
A new concept car has been presented by a French designer Dimitri Bez. Hexa is a solar-powered car, featuring an unusual roof covered in dimples. The unique roof surface, inspired by a golf ball, helps to increase the vehicle’s aerodynamics, efficiency, reduce its drag and limit any heat transfer.
Hexa, Dimitri Bez, solar powered car, futuristic vehicle

Hexa, Dimitri Bez, solar powered car, futuristic vehicle

Hexa, Dimitri Bez, solar powered car, futuristic vehicle

Hexa, Dimitri Bez, solar powered car, futuristic vehicle

Hexa, Dimitri Bez, solar powered car, futuristic vehicle

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