Electric Volocopter

Futuristic Vehicle, Electric Volocopter, Helicopter, Future Aviation
The concept of electric double-helical multikoptera 18 was recently designed by the Company E-volo.
The volocopter’s payload might reach 204 kg, maximum altitude – 2000 meters, speed – 100 km / h . The e-volo system controls flight direction and speed by means of differential power to each rotor. The vehicle’s safety and almost noiseless operation is a definite advantage over traditional vehicles.
Futuristic Vehicle, Electric Volocopter, Helicopter, Future Aviation

Futuristic Vehicle, Electric Volocopter, Helicopter, Future Aviation

Futuristic Vehicle, Electric Volocopter, Helicopter, Future Aviation

e-volo, Future technology, concept of passenger multikoptera

e-volo, Future technology, concept of passenger multikoptera

e-volo, Future vehicle, concept of passenger multikoptera

e-volo, Future aviation, concept of passenger multikoptera

e-volo, Future aircraft, concept of passenger multikoptera

e-volo, Futuristic veicle, concept of passenger multikoptera

e-volo, Future helicopter, concept of passenger multikoptera

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