Abu Dhabi International Airport Midfield Complex To Be Completed By 2017

abu dhabi international airport
Abu Dhabi International Airport Midfield Complex designed by KPF has been signed for fall 2012 construction start, and to be completed by 2017. To accommodate 50 million travelers a year the x-shaped terminal complex provides efficient programmatic function, intending 49 gates, over 18,000 sq m of facilities and retail, 27,500 sq m of hospitality, almost 10,000 sq m of international restaurants and a cultural museum. In terms of sustainability, the roof providing natural lighting and ventilation, sun protection of the façade, and dry landscaping should sum up to at least Two Pearl Rating.
abu dhabi international airport
Via: evolo.us
abu dhabi international airport

abu dhabi international airport

midfield complex

midfield complex

midfield complex

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